Palin cleared, for what it’s worth by now

An independent panel (emphasis this time on “independent”) has exonerated Sarah Palin of wrongdoing in the dust-up formerly known as “Troopergate.” The panel was convened by the nonpartisan state Personnel Board with an independent investigator, instead of by one of Gov. Palin’s most vocal opponents in the Alaska legislature with an investigator bought and paid for by him. (More here and here.)

Of course the first “investigation,” spearheaded by State Sen. Hollis French, did the damage it was designed to do. Exoneration now comes too late for the damage to be undone. But then again, that was the point of French’s crusade to begin with…it was never to punish wrongdoing, just to punish opposition (which, in French’s fevered mind, amounts to a distinction without a difference).

How else to explain why French’s entire set of findings rested on the perceived violation of an unenforceable non-statute (a violation which the more recent investigation found wasn’t worth the air Sen. French wasted on it)? How else to explain why no charges were filed? How else to explain why the French panel’s findings were never adopted by the Alaska Legislature, or any committee or subcommittee thereof?

There is no other explanation. Sarah Palin did her job, and abused no aspect of the office. Sen. French tried to dance around it, and fortunately nobody applauded, but then he wasn’t going for the applause, was he?

1 thought on “Palin cleared, for what it’s worth by now

  1. MARTY

    The pockets of Senator Hollis French have been getting lined for years by the APEA, Wooten’s union. Monegan supported the union, not the governor during budget negotiations.

    The initial investigation was pushed by the APEA. I have requested, under Alaska law, a copy of all records between French and the APEA. He has informed me that because the documents are in his personal possession, he does not have to give them out. He also cites to the Alaska Constitution, saying that during a legislative session, he is immune from prosecution. The legislature is NOT in session.

    French needs to answer for his ethics violation.

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